Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Current Debt

Today this is what my debt looks like:

Sallie Mae:  I owe  $46,298.96

Mastercard:  I owe $2,912.48

Car Note:  I owe about $15,000 on it.  I'm not sure of the exact amount but I'll be sure to check the next time I pay the care note.

Express Card:  I owe $1,403.78

Personal Loan:  I owe about $7,500 on it.  Again, I'm going to have to check this one next time I pay the bill.

Kohls Card:  I owe $1433.71

Hospital Bill:  I owe $416.84

Grand Total of my debt:  $74,965.77 (give or take some, based on the car and personal loans)  Yikes!

So my short term financial goals for this year are to eliminate all of this debt except for the Sallie Mae loan and the Car Note.  So hopefully by the end of 2012 my grand debt total will be about $61,298.96.  Still a lot of money that I will owe but it definitely takes a big chunk out of the grand total.

So how do I plan on doing this?  Basically hubby and I are planning on putting all of our extra money towards this debt.  Keep reading my blog to see how we do!

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